Found 186 results in the 1841 England & Wales Census
Eliza Smith (Female)
Birth: 1822
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Richard Smith (Male)
Birth: 1824
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Sarah Smith (Female)
Birth: 1827
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Thomas Smith (Male)
Birth: 1829
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Mary Smith (Female)
Birth: 1832
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Martha Smith (Female)
Birth: 1836
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
William Smith (Male)
Birth: 1838
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 353
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Mary Smith (Female)
Birth: 1801
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 447
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Sarah Smith (Female)
Birth: 1831
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 447
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Margaret Smith (Female)
Birth: 1817
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 539
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Thomas Smith (Male)
Birth: 1796
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 557
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Elizabeth Smith (Female)
Birth: 1791
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 557
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
John Smith (Male)
Birth: 1826
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 557
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
Mary Smith (Female)
Birth: 1831
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 557
Montgomery, Montgomeryshire
David Smith (Male)
Birth: 1831
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 930
Llangadfan, Montgomeryshire
Thos Smith (Male)
Birth: 1796
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 463
Guildsfield, Montgomeryshire
Frances Smith (Female)
Birth: 1801
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 463
Guildsfield, Montgomeryshire
Thos Smith (Male)
Birth: 1839
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 463
Guildsfield, Montgomeryshire
David Smith (Male)
Birth: 1766
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 143
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Mary Smith (Female)
Birth: 1776
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 143
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Henry Smith (Male)
Birth: 1796
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 165
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Thomas Smith (Male)
Birth: 1811
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 247
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Elizth Smith (Female)
Birth: 1811
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 247
Newtown, Montgomeryshire
Edward Smith (Male)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 393
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Prisilah Smith (Female)
Birth: 1811
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 393
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Edward Smith (Male)
Birth: 1832
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 393
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
William Smith (Male)
Birth: 1837
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 393
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Richard Smith (Male)
Birth: 1841
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 393
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
David Smith (Male)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Scotland
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Catherine Smith (Female)
Birth: 1811
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Catherine Smith (Female)
Birth: 1834
Birth Place: -
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Emily Smith (Female)
Birth: 1838
Birth Place: -
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
James Smith (Male)
Birth: 1840
Birth Place: -
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
James Smith (Male)
Birth: 1801
Birth Place: Scotland
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Eliza Smith (Female)
Birth: 1811
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 509
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Elizabeth Smith (Female)
Birth: 1829
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 680
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
David Smith (Male)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 849
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Thomas Smith (Male)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 876
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Robert Smith (Male)
Birth: 1821
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 942
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Thomas Smith (Male)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Scotland
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 942
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
John Smith (Male)
Birth: 1796
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Elizabeth Smith (Female)
Birth: 1807
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
John Smith (Male)
Birth: 1831
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
David Smith (Male)
Birth: 1836
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Marry Smith (Female)
Birth: 1834
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Richd Smith (Male)
Birth: 1838
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Edward Smith (Male)
Birth: 1841
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 945
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
An Smith (Female)
Birth: 1801
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 965
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Jane Smith (Female)
Birth: 1806
Birth Place: Montgomeryshire
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 965
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire
Wm Smith (Male)
Birth: 1808
Birth Place: Out Of County
County: Montgomeryshire
Residence: 1041
Llanllwchaiaen, Montgomeryshire